1/29/2020 By HIDE 【⚾️ #NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.39 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1061 (in English & Japanese) Former Kintetsu Pitcher, Narciso Elvira Passed Away 元近鉄の投手、ナルシソ・エルビラ氏死去 Former Kintetsu Buffaloes pitcher, Narciso Elvira, has been murdered by an armed group. He was 52. The Daily Sports reported on January 29, JP time. According to local media, Elvira and his son were shot by a pair of murders during moving by car in Veracruz, Mexico. Elvira was a left-handed pitcher, who had played with the Kintetsu of NPB for two years since 2,000 after playing for the Milwaukee Brewers. He pitched a no-no against the Seibu Lions on June 20, 2000. Since 2002, he had played with the Samsung Lions of KBO over two years. He was an annual ERA leader in 2002. Since his retirement from professional baseball, Elvira has started a cane sugar factory management. It is said that he and his son got involved in the incident while being out for a business meeting. This is unfortunate and very sad news. My sincerest condolences. May you and your son’s soul rest in peace, no-hitter, Narciso Elvira. 元近鉄の投手、ナルシソ・エルビラ氏死去 元近鉄バッファローズの投手、ナルシソ・エルビラ氏がメキシコで殺害されたと、1月29日、デイリースポーツが報じた。 現地の報道として、エルビラ氏はメキシコ・ベラルクス州で車で移動中に武装した二人組の襲撃を受け、息子とともに射殺されたと言う。 エルビラ氏はMLBのブリュワーズを経て2,000年から2年間、近鉄でプレーした。2,000年6月の西武戦で、ノーヒットノーランを達成している。2002年からは2年間韓国プロ野球のサムスンでプレーし、2002年には最優秀防御率のタイトルを獲得した。 2,009年に引退してからは、メキシコ・ベラクルス州でサトウキビ工場を経営しており、ビジネス会議で外出中に事件にあったとみられる。 非常に残念なニュース。 心よりお悔やみを申し上げます。 息子さんとともにどうか安らかにお眠りください。ノーヒッター、ナルシソ・エルビラ。 ⚾️ KAISPO❗️;
KAISPO Baseball Innovation https://www.kaispobaseball.com Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com Ameblo; https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/kaispobaseball ⚾️ KAISPO❗️ KAISPO Japanese High school baseball『銀傘の陰から』 Web; https://www.kaispobaseball.com/39640266573732629699 Ameblo; https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/kaispobaseball Twitter; https://twitter.com/kaispo818
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【⚾️ #NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.38 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1053 (in English & Japanese) 1/23/2020 Chiba Lotte Introducing Dynamic Pricing to sell Tickets 千葉ロッテがチケット販売で価格変動制を導入 The Chiba Lotte Marines announced on January 17 that they partially introduce a price fluctuation system to sell tickets. It will be a part of meeting the needs that their fans want to watch more baseball games. The Price fluctuation system (dynamic pricing) is a system to determine the price according to timings the fans buy them. For example, the price will be affected by game schedules, type of seats, weather, past results and so on. By analyzing such data, they forecast the real-time demand and sell tickets at reasonable prices. Five games will be subject to the system. The object games is below; April 14: vs. Rakuten May 8: vs. Seibu May 24: vs. Rakuten May 30: vs. Hiroshima Jun 13: vs. Yomiuri By HIDE 千葉ロッテがチケット販売で価格変動制を導入 千葉ロッテマリーズは、1月17日、チケット販売で一部に価格変動制を導入すると発表した。より多くのゲームを観たいと言うファンのニーズに応える一環とのことだ。 価格変動制とは、ファンがチケットを購入するタイミングによって価格を決定する制度。例えば、チケット価格は、試合日程、座席の種類、天気、過去の実績などの影響を受ける。そういったデータを分析して、リアルタイムの需要を予測し、合理的な価格でチケットを販売すると言う。以下の5試合が対象となる。 4月14日楽天戦 5月8日西武戦 5月24日楽天戦 5月30日広島戦 6月13日巨人戦 By HIDE ⚾️ KAISPO❗️; KAISPO Baseball Innovation https://www.kaispobaseball.com Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com Ameblo; https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/kaispobaseball ⚾️ KAISPO❗️
KAISPO Japanese High school baseball『銀傘の陰から』 Web; https://www.kaispobaseball.com/39640266573732629699 Ameblo; https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/kaispobaseball Twitter; https://twitter.com/kaispo818 【⚾️ NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.37 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1048 (in English & Japanese) 1/19/2020 Submarine Pitcher, Makita Having a Good Training サブマリンピッチャー牧田、順調に自主トレ The Tohoku Rakuten pitcher, Kazuhisa Makita, released his training at an indoor training field in Rakuten Insurance Park Miyagi on Jan 19. Sports Hochi reported today. The 35-year-old is an underarm throw and has had a contract with the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles to return to NPB from MLB this off-season. He played for the Seibu Lions of NPB over seven seasons before joining the San Diego Padres in the 2017 off-season. Makita went 0-1 with a 5.40 ERA in his MLB career. He played for Minor last season. He could not have enough results in Major. However, in the Japanese league, Makita has had 53-49 with a 2.83 ERA, 25 Saves, and 54 Holds as a starter, reliever and closer. The veteran right-handed pitcher commented, “I want to lose weight because I am now an American body by having so many meals in the US. I need to do a weight training after I pitch during this season. I have to improve my eating habits.” About his condition, he said, “It is going to be very well. I’ve already prepared for pitching in the bullpen. I have to be careful not to get injured during the season. I’ll do my best for the team’s win.” I’d like to see Makita again, who has come back to NPB for the first time in three years. Unfortunately, he will not be satisfied with his performance in MLB. But, he has more to gain in America. By HIDE サブマリンピッチャー牧田、順調に自主トレ 東北楽天の牧田和久投手が、1月19日、楽天生命パーク宮城の屋内練習場での自主トレを公開した。スポーツ報知が伝えた。 牧田投手は35歳で、アンダースロー投手。今オフに日本プロ野球の東北楽天ゴールデンイーグルスと契約し、MLBから日本に復帰することになった。彼は7シーズン、日本の西武ライオンズでプレーし、2017年オフにサンディエゴ・パドレスに入団した。 牧田投手はメジャーのキャリアでは0勝1敗、防御率5.40。昨シーズンはマイナーリーグでプレーするなど、メジャーでは十分な成績を残す事はできなかった。しかし、日本では、先発、救援、抑えを経験し、53勝49敗、防御率2.83、25セーブ、54ホールドを記録している。 ベテラン右投手は、「米国の多量の食生活でアメリカサイズの体になっているので、減量したい。今シーズン中も投げた後はウェートトレーニングをしたり、食生活も改善する必要がある。」とコメント。コンディションについては、「順調に行っている。ブルペンに入る準備はできている。シーズン中、怪我をしないようにして、チームの勝利のために頑張りたい」と話した。 3年ぶりに日本球界復帰となった牧田投手を再び見たいと思っている。残念ながら、メジャーでの成績には満足していないだろうが、得たものも多いはずだ。 By HIDE 1/18/2020 0 Comments Morimichi Takagi Passes Away【⚾️ NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.36 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1045 (in English & Japanese) 1/18/2020 Morimichi Takagi Passes Away 高木守道氏、死去。 Former Chunichi Dragons manager, Morimichi Takagi passed away from acute heart failure on Jan.17. Some sources reported today. He was 78. Baseball is overwhelmed by grief. Takagi was from Gifu prefecture in 1941 and graduated from the Gifu Commercial and Business High School with which he had the two-time appearance in the Koshien Tournaments as an infielder. He joined the Chunichi Dragons in 1960 and had played as mainly second base man for the club over 21 years. The infield superstar had the seven-time best nine, three-time Diamond Award, and Stolen Base Champion in the Central League. Also, Takagi became the 11th player to reach 2,000 hits in 1978 at that time. Takagi went .272 with 2,774 hits, 236 Homers, 813 RBIs, and 369 stolen bases in his 2282 game appearances until retiring in 1980. After retirement, Takagi came back as a Dragons manager in 1986 and had 445-465 in 940 games with a total seven seasons. He was inducted into the Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame in 2006. I regard with feelings of respect and reverence for his contributions to baseball here. Thank you very much, Mr. Morimichi Takagi. Rest In Peace. By HIDE 高木守道氏、死去。 中日ドラゴンズの監督を務めた高木守道氏が1月17日、急性心不全の為、死去した。78歳だった。野球界は悲しみに包まれている。 高木氏は1941年、岐阜県出身。県岐阜商業卒業。高校時代は2度、内野手として甲子園に出場した。 高校卒業後、1960年に中日入りし主に二塁手として21年間活躍した。セ・リーグでベストナイン7度、ダイヤモンド賞3度、盗塁王に3度輝いている。また1978年には当時プロ野球11人目の2,000安打を達成した。キャリアを通して2282試合に出場し、通算打率、.272、2774安打、236本塁打、813打点、369盗塁を記録し、1980年に引退した。 引退後は、1986年に監督として中日に復帰。通算で7シーズン、940試合の指揮を取り、445勝465敗。2006年には野球殿堂入りを果たした。 私はここに、高木氏の野球界への貢献に敬意と尊敬の念を表します。 ありがとうございました。 安らかにお眠りください。 By HIDE ⚾️ KAISPO❗️;
KAISPO Baseball Innovation https://www.kaispobaseball.com Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com Ameblo; https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/kaispobaseball 【⚾️ NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.35 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1042 (in English & Japanese) 1/15/2020 Chiba Lotte Promoting Data Baseball 千葉ロッテ、データ野球を推進へ The Chiba Lotte Marines, which set up a data strategic division last year, have been organizationally, continuously, promoting digitalization over 2020. Chiba Topi Town reported on Jan 14. The team’s president, Katsumi Kawai said at the press interview, “We will consider how strongly to store data. We want to strengthen our team by utilizing data. We need to seriously think about relation between the team reinforcement and data. Continuity is very important. It will take us a couple of years to have the right answers after accumulating the data. We, therefore, want to establish our original data system.” Kawai told that the club continued to build the organization or team with data. The Marines made rookies take a class on how to do with data before a collective private training. The Club has a policy that players need to learn about data at an earlier stage. Data baseball is standard in the Major League. So, We are paying attention to how the Chiba Lotte is making them stronger with data in the near future. By HIDE 千葉ロッテ、データ野球を推進へ 昨年、データ戦略部を新設した千葉ロッテマリーンズが、今年も組織的に、継続的にデータ化を推進していく。1月14日、ちばとぴタウンがレポートした。 河合克美球団社長は、記者会見で、「我々はどのようにデータを集めていくかを考えている。データの活用を通してチーム強化を図りたい。チーム強化とデータとの関連性をしっかりと考える必要がある。継続がとても大事だ。データを集めた上で正しい答えを見出すのに2、3年はかかるだろう。そうやって、独自のデータ活用方法を確立したい。」と語った。データを活用して、継続した組織、チーム作りを訴えた。 マリーンズが新人合同自主トレ前にルーキーにデータ活用に関する講座を受けさせたように、早期にデータについて学ぶ必要があるとのポリシーをとっている。データ野球はメジャーリーグでは当たり前になっている。千葉ロッテが近い将来、どのようにデータを活用してチームが強化されていくか、注目したい。 By HIDE ⚾️ KAISPO❗️;
KAISPO Baseball Innovation https://www.kaispobaseball.com Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com Ameblo; https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/kaispobaseball 【⚾️ NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.34 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1037 (in English & Japanese) 1/11/2020 Yomiuri’s 1st-round draft pick, Hotta with MLB dream 巨人ドラ1・堀田、将来はメジャーへ Kenshin Hotta, who was the Yomiuri Giants’ first-round draft pick in 2019, said, “I want to be a pitcher trying the Major League.” Sports Hochi reported on Jan 9. According to the report, Hotta seems to have solid plans in the Nippon Professional Baseball. The 18-year-old pitcher gives priority to building up his body and adapting to professional baseball for the first year. Secondly he want to be promoted to the first grade team in the second half of the first season. The righty aims at a starting rotation and becoming an ace to have more than ten wins until his third season. He is firmly thinking that he needs to make a success in NPB before going to the US. Kenshin Hotta is from Hanamaki City, Iwate prefecture and graduated from the Aomori Yamada High school. Hotta is right-handed pitcher with 185 cm (6’1”) and 80 kg (176.4Ib). His fastball’s speed is faster than 150kim/h (94MPH). He aims at the third Iwate-prefecture-born major leaguer following Yusei Kikuchi with the Seattle Mariners and Shohei Ohtani with the LosAngeles Angels after producing good records in the NPB. By HIDE Gドラ1・堀田賢慎、将来はメジャーへ 読売ジャイアンツのドラフト1位ルーキー、堀田賢慎投手が新人合同自主トレで「将来的にメジャーに挑戦できる投手になりたい」と語った。1月9日、スポーツ報知が伝えた。 記事によると、プロでのプランもしっかりと持っているようだ。 1年目は、体づくりとプロへの順応。シーズン後半に一軍昇格を狙う。 3年目までに先発ローテーション入りを狙い、10勝以上してジャイアンツのエースを目指す。 アメリカに行くには、まず、ジャイアンツで活躍してから行くとたくましい。 堀田投手は、岩手県花巻市出身で、青森山田高校に進学。身長185センチ体重80キロの大型右腕。 日本プロ野球でしっかり結果を出して、菊池雄星投手、大谷翔平投手に続く3人目の岩手県出身メジャーリーガーを目指す。 By HIDE
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KAISPO Baseball Innovation https://www.kaispobaseball.com Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com Ameblo; https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/kaispobaseball 【⚾️ NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.33 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1035 (in English) 1/9/2020 Rakuten Acquires J.T.Chargois As A Reliever 楽天が救援投手としてシャギワを獲得 The Tohoku Rakuten Eagles announced today that they have agreed to a one-year contract with farmer Dodgers pitcher, J.T. Chargois whose number is 15. The righty is 29 years old and 6 feet 3 inches and 200 Ib. He played for the Minnesota Twins in 2016 and the LosAngeles Dodgers in 2018-2019 before joining the Rakuten. Chargois went 1-0 with a 6.33 ERA in 21 game appearances last season and had 4-5 with 4.58 ERA and 9 Holds in all 85 relief appearances in his major career. Kazuhisa Ishii, general manager, said,”Chargois is a reliever, who can increase our winning rate in the end of each game and has a strong fastball and well-breaking ball to dominate one inning. He think of returning to the MLB after making a success in Japan. I want him to be a successful player in Japan.” Chargois commented via the club, “ I appreciate this opportunity the club giving me. I am very excited to have my career advance here and will daily make effort for victory. I am thankful for experiencing different cultures and sharing the joy (of the winning)with the Rakuten’s fans. I am looking forward to everything I will face this season.” By HIDE 楽天が救援投手としてシャギワを獲得 東北楽天イーグルスが、本日、前ドジャースのシャギワ投手と契約したと発表した。背番号は15。 シャギワは29歳の右投手で、身長190センチ90キロ。2016年にミネソタ・ツインズ、2018年から2019年までロサンゼルス・ドジャースでプレーした。 昨シーズンは、21試合に登板、1勝0敗、防御率6.33。メジャーキャリアを通して、全てリリーフで85試合に登板し、4勝5敗9ホールドの成績。 石井一久GMは、シャギワ投手獲得に当たって、「シャギワ投手は試合の終盤で勝利の確率を上げることができる救援投手。1イニングを確実に抑える強い速球とキレの良い変化球を持っている。また日本で活躍してまだメジャーリーグに戻りたいと考えており、こちらで是非成功してもらいたい。」と話した。 またシャギワ投手は球団を通して、「このような機会を与えてれた球団に感謝しています。ここでキャリアアップができることにワクワクしており、優勝に向けて日々努力していきます。違う文化を経験できること、楽天のファンと喜びを分かち合えることに感謝しています。今シーズン、私が出会う全てのことを楽しみにしています。」とコメントした。 By HIDE ⚾️ KAISPO❗️;
KAISPO Baseball Innovation https://www.kaispobaseball.com Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com Ameblo; https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/kaispobaseball 【⚾️ NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.32 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1019 (in English) 12/18/2019 Kenji Jojima, who played for the Mariners, joins his old club, the Fukuoka Soft Bank Hawks, Nikkan Sports reported on Tuesday. The club seems to be considering creating a new post like an advisor to the club or the chairman. Jojima is 43 years old. He played for former Fukuoka Daiei Hawks (current the Fukuoka Soft Bank Hawks) from 1995 to 2005 and contributed to a victory of the Japan Series in 1999. He, then, got a free agent and transferred to the Seattle Mariners in off-season of 2005 and had played until 2009 when returning to Japan and joining the Hanshin Tigers of NPB. The notable catcher retired in 2012. He made the 2004 Athens Olympics and the 2009 world Baseball Classic appearances. Kenji Jojima had a .296 BA with 244 homers in 14 NPB seasons and a .268 BA with 48 homers in 4 MLB seasons. Masayoshi Son, an owner of the Hawks, has decided a goal of “being the best team in the world.” Sugihiko Mikasa, a general manager, also said, “We need enough preparation to become stronger as an invincible team.” Acquiring Jojima will be a part of their reinforcement of not only the team, but also the front office to aim for the goal. I am very interested in how he utilizes his experience in MLB and NPB in teaching. By HIDE
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Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com 【⚾️ NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.31 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1012 (in English) 12/8/2019 The Yomiuri Giants has reached a preliminary agreement with Angel Sanchez, Nikkan Sports reported yesterday. The official announcement will be made after a medical checkup. The 30-year-old is a right-handed pitcher, who went 17-5 with a 2.62 ERA in 28 game appearances in the Korean league last season and played for the Pittsburg Pirates in 2017 where he had 1 win in the big league. The Yomiuri made a success to get Sanchez in an acquisition battle with the Major League clubs. Tatsunori Hara, Yomiuri manager, highly evaluated him, “His pitching form and control are excellent. He has a very hungry spirit.” The right hander throws fastball and cut ball breaking well at the hand of batters, giving up only 2 homers in 28 games last season. He will be expected to be in the starting rotation throughout the whole season. The Yomiuri is a champion club in central league last season. Their ace pitcher, Shun Yamaguchi, is aiming at the MLB this winter. Also, they could not get the Rakuten starter, Manabu Mima in a free agent market. They need to reinforce their starting pitching staff. The central champion has already acquired Gerardo Parra and Thyago Vieira from America. By HIDE ⚾️ KAISPO❗️;
Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com 【⚾️ NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.30 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1011 (in English) The Seibu Lions of NPB announced yesterday that they have agreed to contracts with Cory Spangenberg and Sean Nolin. The salary of Spangenberg is estimated at 80 million yen and that of Nolin is about 60 million yen. Spangenberg was the San Diego Padres’ first-round draft pick in 2011 and now a 28-year-old infielder. After Playing for the Padres for four seasons, he played with the Milwaukee Brewers in 2019. In his 6-year major career, he has recorded a .256 BA with 25 homers and 119 RBIs. The outfielder can play as an infielder as well. Nolin is a 29-year-old, light-handed pitcher. He played for the Toronto Blue Jays from 2013 to 2014, the Oakland Athletics in 2015, and minor league from 2016 to 2019. He went 1-3 with a 6.89 ERA in his MLB career. Hisanobu Watanabe, general manager of the club said, “Spangenberg was the odds-on favorite. His playing style is aggressive and the balance of his running, fielding and hitting is really good. He can hit to a wide-range direction and will be able to adapt to Japanese baseball. “ About Nolin, “his straight pitch is powerful. He has a variety of breaking balls. I expect as a starter,” Watanabe said. By HIDE
⚾️ KAISPO❗️;
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Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com 【⚾️ NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.28 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1008 (in English) The Yomiuri Giants of NPB announced on December 3 that they have acquired a free-agent right hander, Thyago Vieira, who played for the Chicago White Sox this season. The Yomiuri has had a one-year contract. His salary is estimated at 50 million yen and jersey number is 49. The 26-year-old was from Sao Paulo, Brazil and made his Major League debut with the Seattle Mariners in 2017. He traded to the Chicago White Sox off-season of 2017. Vieira went 2-1 and 1 save with a 7.36 ERA in 23 games through his Major career. He throws four-seam fastball whose average speed is 99.2 mph and slider. He commented via the club, “I have received instruction from a Japanese coach. Japanese culture and custom are very familiar with me. I want to do my best and contribute to Victory.” ⚾️ KAISPO❗️;
Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com 12/5/2019 0 Comments Gabriel Ynoa plays for NPB.【⚾️ NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.27 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1007 (in English) MLB right hander, Gabriel Ynoa, has agreed to a one-year, 60 Million JPY, contract with the Tokyo Yakult Swallows of NPB, according to the sports hochi. The 26-year-old was from Dominican Republic. He made his Major League debut with the New York Mets in 2016 and transfered to the Baltimore Orioles in 2017. This season he had 1-10 in 36 games including his 16 total starts with a 5.61 ERA. In his 3-year MLB career, Ynoa went 4-10 with a 5.39 ERA in 55 games. Ynoa is a starter who throws fastball faster than 93 mph, sinker, and slider to well have groundouts. He commented via the club, “I appreciate this opportunity the Swallows giving me. I’m looking forward to experiencing in Japan and contributing of the team’s wins.” ⚾️ KAISPO❗️;
Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com 12/4/2019 0 Comments Jay Jackson returns to Japan【⚾️ NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.26 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1006 (in English) Jay Jackson, who played as a reliever for the Brewers this season, is in agreement on one year contract with the Chiba Lotte Marines, according to some Japanese and American media. The 32-year-old right hander played for the San Diego Padres in 2015, the Hiroshima Carp from 2016 to 2018 in Japan, and the Milwaukee Brewers in 2019. This season he covered 30.1 frames in relief with a 4.45 ERA with 47 strikeouts. Jackson sported a 4.67 ERA with 51 strikeouts over 34.2 inning pitches in the big league while posting a 2.10 ERA with 192 strikeouts in 176 frames in Japanese league. Jackson, today, commented through the Marines, “I promise to make so much effort to win playoffs and Japan series. I appreciate this opportunity the club giving me." ⚾️ KAISPO❗️;
Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com 【⚾️ NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.25 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1004 (in English) Japanese right hander, Kohei Arihara hoped to try the MLB next offseason. He told his mind to the press after his contract renewal with the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters Wednesday, according to the Daily sports. The 27-year-old said, “I have had a mind to play in the Major League since I started my proffesional career. I, today, told the club my intention for which I want to have good records like this season with my leadership next season.” This year was his fifth season for him. He had 15-8 with ERA 2.46 in 24 games as a starting pitcher. The hopeful pitcher become the most winning pitcher in the pacific league in Japan this season for his first time. For his 5 year’s career, Arihara has had 52-41, ERA 3.79 in 109 games. By HIDE Arihara’s records; http://npb.jp/bis/eng/players/51155130.html ⚾️ KAISPO❗️;
Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com 12/3/2019 0 Comments Matsuzaka returns to his old club【⚾️ NPB X KAISPO 💫】No.24 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #1002 ( in English) Famous Japanese pitcher, Daisuke Mastuzaka, has had a one-year contract with the Seibu Lions in Japanese professional league, according to the Nikkan sports, Japanese sports media. The Lions is a team he began his professional career with. The 39-year-old has played for the Seibu Lions in the NPB, the Boston Red Sox, New York Mets in the MLB, the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks, and the Chunichi Dragons in the NPB so far. Matsuzaka has had 114-15 in Japanese league and 56-43 in the MLB. Veteran right hander said, “I’m looking forward to playing again for the fans and the Lions which was my professional career starting point. I hope to make an effort for the team aiming for a league victory for the 3rd time in a row and the winning of Japan Series next season.” The club expects him as a starting pitcher although he doesn’t have smoke as in the past days. By HIDE. ⚾️ KAISPO❗️;
Facebook “IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com 11/30/2019 0 Comments 2019 WBSC Premier 12 Analysis【⚾️ MLB X KAISPO 💫】No.23 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #999 ( with English) 2019 WBSC Premier 12 Analysis プレミア12、2019 は、11月17日に日本の優勝で幕を閉じた。日本チームの成績を振り返る。 まず、大会のシステムを簡単に見ておきたい。 前回、2015年大会は、準々決勝から決勝トーナメントになるシステムで日本は、大会唯一の敗北を準決勝の韓国戦で喫して、3位に止まった。大会を通じた試合内容、成績は圧倒していたにも関わらずだ。 詳しくは、前回大会の分析を参照して頂きたい。 https://www.kaispobaseball.com/npb/2015-wbsc-premier-12-analysis しかし、2019年大会は、オープニングラウンド(3グループ各4チーム)、スーパーラウンド(各グループ上位2チームによる計6チーム)までがリーグ戦で、スーパーラウンドの上位2チームが決勝戦を戦うシステムに変更された。 従って、前回大会に比べて、一つの敗戦そのものが即大会そのものからの敗退のウエイトを占める状況は緩和されたと言える。 今大会の日本は、名実ともにトップの実力を発揮できたと言える。大会を通じての、勝率、勝敗数差、得失点差、勝利数、得点数、敗戦数(最少)で前回大会同様1位の成績を残した。国際大会で重視される指標のほぼ全てでトップを記録し、唯一のトーナメントとなった決勝戦も勝ち抜いた。 国際大会ではルールやシステム、重視される指標が変更されるケースは容易に考えられる。よって、勝ちを重ねるだけではなく、どのような内容で勝つかも重要で、それが国際大会の難しさでもある。例えば、今大会の日本の唯一の敗戦は、スーパーラウンドでの米国戦でだった。その米国は3位決定戦には進出しているため、仮に、準決勝からトーナメントだった場合、米国と対戦していれば、今回も唯一の敗戦で優勝を逃した可能性も否定できない。ちなみに、スーパーラウンドの順位は、1位が日本で、4位が米国であるため、1位チームがアドバンテージとして 準決勝は4位チームと戦うというルールもあるだろう。 ただ、今大会のような内容のある戦いをすれば、そういったルール変更でも安定した戦いを見せるがことができるだろう。来年のオリンピックでの金メダル獲得も大いに期待したい。 By HIDE Japan won the premier 12 championship 2019 on 17, November. I want to review it. First of all, we need to look at a system of the premier 12. The last time in 2015, it was adopted the system of the deciding tournament from a quarterfinal. Japan had only one loss (vs. Korea) through a whole process of the last time. They ended up the 3rd place although their game records were overwhelming. You can see the detail of the last time. https://www.kaispobaseball.com/npb/2015-wbsc-premier-12-analysis This time was decided that an opening round and super round were a round robin, and final match and 3rd place playoff were just one match. Therefore, the importance of just one loss of this time was slightly become weaker that the last time. Japan has stood on top of the world in reality and in name. They had the best records at the point of the winning percentage, win-loss differentials, run differentials, the number of wins and losses. Actually, that was the same as the last. In an international competition, rules, system, and important indications could be changed. So, not only the number of wins bus also how to win is crucial for them. Only a loss of Japan was a game against the USA in the super round. Because the US got through to the third place playoff, Japan might have had a game vs the US if the semifinal was a deciding tournament. There was a possibility that Japan as a top in the super round was arranged with the US as the 4th place in the round. In that case, I had no idea that Japan could beat the US. Anyway, Japan has to seek the good contents of each game with the number of wins. I want to expect Japan’s victory in Tokyo Olympic 2020 if they amazingly play like this time. By HIDE ⚾️ KAISPO❗️;
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⭐️KAISPO Total No. #992(日本語あり) Some MLB teams will be interested in #RyosukeKikuchi, the Hiroshima Carp’s second base man, who are going tryin the MLB through the posting system. According to the Web in the U S, San Francisco Giants, Chicago Cubs, and Boston Red Sox should acquire #Kikuchi. The three teams will be unclear at second as a regular player next year and they value his defense. I think Giants and Cubs would be better for him than the Red Sox because Boston strongly has their offensive power. So, he might not have many chance to play in the Res Sox. いくつかのメジャーリーグのチームが、ポスティングシステムでMLB入りを目指す #菊池涼介 内野手に興味を示しているようだ。米国のスポーツサイトによると、サンフランシスコジャイアンツ、シカゴカブス、ボストンレッドソックスの獲得の可能性を指摘している。これらの3球団は来季の二塁手のレギュラーが不透明であり、菊池選手の守備を評価しているようだ。 私は、この3球団であれば、ジャイアンツかカブスがベターであると考えている。レッドソックスは高い打撃力があるため、(守備評価の)菊池選手が出場機会に恵まれない可能性があると思っている。 Reffrence; https://www.12up.com/posts/3-mlb-teams-who-should-sign-japanese-star-ryosuke-kikuchi-01ds65fpftaq 2019/11/12 ⚾️ #KAISPO❗️“#IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com KAISPO x JP High school baseball Yahoo; https://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/koshien818ss Hatena Blog; https://kaispokokoyakyu.hatenablog.com Ameblo; https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/kaispobaseball 【⚾️ #NPB X #KAISPO 💫】No.19
⭐️KAISPO Total No. #991(日本語あり) These datas are the Hitting and fielding records of #ShogoAkiyama, outfielder of #SeibuLions, #NPB. He is going to try the #MLB through the Free Agent. FAでメジャーリーグ移籍を模索する秋山翔吾選手(西武ライオンズ)の打撃と守備成績。 2019/11/11 ⚾️ #KAISPO❗️“#IchiRoad to 50 to be continued” https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com KAISPO x JP High school baseball Yahoo; https://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/koshien818ss Hatena Blog; https://kaispokokoyakyu.hatenablog.com Ameblo; https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/kaispobaseball 【⚾️ #NPB X #KAISPO 💫】No.18 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #990(日本語あり) These datas are the Hitting and fielding records of #YoshitomoTsutsugo, Infielder and outfielder of #Yokohama #DeNA, #NPB. He is going to try the #MLB through the posting system. ポスティングシステムでメジャーリーグに挑戦する筒香嘉智選手(横浜DeNA)の打撃と守備成績。 2019/11/10 ⚾️ #KAISPO❗️“#IchiRoad to 50 to be continued”
https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com 【⚾️ #NPB X #KAISPO 💫】No.17 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #989(日本語あり) This is the fielding data of #RyosukeKikuchi, who is going to try MLB by the posting system. Kikuchi has won the Golden Grab Award for the seventh year in a row. 下記がポスティングシステムでメジャーリーグに挑戦する菊池涼介内野手の守備率。 7年連続でゴールデングラブ賞を受賞している。 【⚾️ #NPB X #KAISPO 💫】No.16 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #988(日本語あり) #RyosukeKikuchi infielder with #Hiroshima, #NPB, has decided to try to Major League Baseball(#MLB) through the posting system this offseason. The Hiroshima organization has declared his intention. KAISPO is now uploading his hitting records in the NPB as below. 日本プロ野球、広島の菊池涼介内野手がポスティング制度を利用して、アメリカメジャーリーグに挑戦することを決めた。 菊池選手の日本プロ野球での打撃成績は下記の通り。 2019/11/8 ⚾️ #KAISPO❗️“#IchiRoad to 50 to be continued”
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https://www.facebook.com/IchiRoad-to-50-by-Kaispo-181294025847171/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/baseball_innovation/ Twitter; https://twitter.com/AsukeSIR Tumblr; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kaispo-com 11/2/2019 0 Comments 2019 ドラフト分析シリーズ No.9 ;兄弟別指名者数【⚾️ #NPB X #KAISPO 💫】No.14 ⭐️KAISPO Total No. #972 2019年度 #ドラフト 分析シリーズ 8)兄弟別指名者数 育成枠を除く兄弟別指名者数は、弟や妹をもつ兄が22名で29.7%。 兄や姉を持つ弟が52名で70.3%だった。 上下(兄姉弟妹)を持つ場合は弟として算入。 2019/11/2 ⚾️ #KAISPO❗️“#IchiRoad to 50 to be continued”
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