3/31/2023 0 Comments 【2-WAYモンスタープレー結果第1回】大谷翔平 選手(ロサンゼルス・エンゼルス)2刀流の日/ 日本時間2023年3月31日(金)/2023シーズン 対アスレチックス/ 開幕戦3番先発ピッチャー&DH
3/21/2023 0 Comments 【Major Leaguer Resume Vol.109】“Growing hopeful lefty!!”: Patrick Sandoval(Angels) : 2023 WBC Mexico■The KAISPO's baseball analyst comments
“Pitcher Sandoval is a promising young starting lefty who is on the rise. He emerged from the 2021 season with a 3.62 ERA in 87 innings pitched, and in 2022 he became a fixture in the Angels' starting rotation, posting six wins (nine losses) and a 2.91 ERA in 27 starts. With the support of his bullpen and hitting staff, he would have had double-digit wins. In the two years since his debut in 2019, there were cases where he was hit mainly with the 4-seam. In 2021, he increased the distribution of changeups and sliders whose opponent's batting averages were low to have more options to retire batters he faced. Also, the lefty came to upset the batter's timing with a 0.48 HR/9 in 2022. From 2023 onward, Sandoval will be expected to be the core of the Angels' starting pitching staff along with Shohei Ohtani.” (MLB No.457 KAISPO No.1637) 3/18/2023 0 Comments 【メジャーリーガーレジュメ第108回】”エンゼルスの絶賛成長中左腕” / パトリック・サンドバル投手(ロサンゼルス・エンゼルス)/ 2023 WBC メキシコメジャーリーガーレジュメ第108回 WBC プレーヤー レジュメ 第94回 ■KAISPOベースボールアナリストコメント
「サンドバル選手は、現在、まさに成長中の有望な若手先発左腕投手だ。 2021年シーズンから安定感を見せ始め、87回を投げて防御率は3.62。2022年はエンゼルスの先発ローテーションに定着し、27試合の先発で、6勝(9敗)、防御率は2点台(2.91)をマークした。ブルペン陣、打撃陣の援護があれば2桁勝利はしていただろう。 2019年のデビュー以降、2年間は4シーム主体で打ち込まれるケースがあったのに対し、2021年以降は、被打率の低いチェンジアップやスライダーの配球を増やし、緩急をつけて打者のタイミングをはずす(芯をはずす)シーンが増え、投球の幅が広がった。特に2022年の被本塁打率はわずか0.48と効果を発揮した。 2023年以降、大谷翔平投手とともにエンゼルスの先発投手陣の核として一層の飛躍が期待される。」 (MLB No.456 KAISPO No.1636) 1/1/2023 0 Comments メジャーリーガーレジュメ第60回/ WBCプレーヤーズレジュメ第46回: 投手 大谷翔平選手(ロサンゼルス・エンゼルス): 日本代表候補: “野球界のゲームチェンジャー!”
1/1/2023 0 Comments Major Leaguer resume Vol.60/WBC Player’s resume Vol.46: Shohei Ohtani (Los Angeles Angels) as a pitcher: Major Candidate for Team Japan:“Baseball game changer!”
12/31/2022 0 Comments メジャーリーガーレジュメ/ 第59回WBCプレーヤーズレジュメ第45回:打者 大谷翔平選手(ロサンゼルス・エンゼルス):日本代表候補:“野球界のゲームチェンジャー!”
12/31/2022 0 Comments Major Leaguer resume Vol.59/ WBC Player’s resume Vol.45: Shohei Ohtani (Los Angeles Angels) as a batter: Major Candidate for Team Japan: “Baseball game changer!”
12/19/2022 0 Comments 2023 WBC 注目選手映像RESUME第34回:マックス・スタッシ選手(ロサンゼルス・エンゼルス): イタリア代表候補: “大谷もリードするエンゼルスの頭脳”
12/19/2022 0 Comments The 2023 WBC Star player’s movie resume Vol.34: Max Stassi (Los Angeles Angels): Major Candidate for Team Italy: “Angels’ Brain!”
12/17/2022 0 Comments The 2023 WBC Star player’s movie resume Vol.33: Zack Weiss (Los Angeles Angels): Major Candidate for Team Israel: “Israel’s slider king!”
12/16/2022 0 Comments 2023 WBC 注目選手映像RESUME第32回:アーロン・ホワイトフィールド投手(ロサンゼルス・エンゼルス傘下AAチーム):オーストラリア代表候補:“豪州のスピードスター!”
12/16/2022 0 Comments The 2023 WBC Star player’s movie resume Vol.32:Aaron Whitefield (Los Angeles Angels MiLB affiliate): Major Candidate for Team Australia: “Australian speedster!”
12/14/2022 0 Comments The 2023 WBC Star player’s movie resume Vol.30:Jaime Barria (Los Angeles Angels) :Major Candidate for Team Panama: “Panamanian growing reliever!”
12/5/2022 0 Comments 2023 WBC 注目選手映像RESUME第21回:デビット・フレッチャー選手(ロサンゼルス・エンゼルス所属):イタリア代表候補:“ミスター・ダウンスィング”
12/5/2022 0 Comments The 2023 WBC Star player’s movie resume Vol.21: David Fletcher (Los Angeles Angels): Major Candidate for Team Italy: “Mr.Dowinswing”
Shohei loses no-hitter, but gets 15th winThe Angels' two-way star, Shohei Ohtani, started the game against the three-game series finale vs. Oakland Athletics as a pitcher and batting third at Angel Stadium on September 29, EST. Shohei dominated the game as a two-way player. Ohtani pitched a no-hitter until two outs of the 8th inning as a pitcher, using a nasty slider. Unfortunately, Shohei lost his first career no-hitter by allowing Oakland's sixth hitter, Conner Capel, a sharp single which caromed off shortstop Livan Soto into center field. However, he gave up only two hits, a walk, and no runs, striking out ten over eight frames. Angels' offense also supported Shohei Ohtani with three solo shots by Ruis Rengifo, Taylor Ward, and Max Stassi. He will reach the required inning pitched for pitching titles by having one more inning in the next game. The AL MVP candidate went 2 for four, including an RBI single to center field to help himself in the first as a batter, and his hitting streak extended to 14 games with his longest. Shohei hit an infield single to shortstop in his fourth at-bat to record his 40th multi-hit game this season. The Angels swept the three-game series with a 4-2 victory over the Athletics. (MLB No.111 KAISPO No.1,251)
大谷、ノーヒットノーラン逃すも、15勝目#エンゼルス で二刀流 で活躍する #大谷翔平 選手は日本時間9月30日、アナハイムのエンゼルスタジアムで行われたオークランド・アスレチックス戦との3連戦の最終戦に3番投手で先発出場。投打に存在感を見せた。ピッチングでは、得意のスライダーが冴え、8回2死まで無安打投球でアスレチックス打線を圧倒。惜しくも6番カプル選手にショート・ソト選手を強襲し、センターへ抜けるヒットを許し、ノーヒットノーランは逃したものの、8回を投げて被安打2の無失点。10奪三振を奪う好投。レンフィーフォ選手の先頭打者本塁打、4番フォード選手とキャッチャーのスタッシー選手にもソロ本塁打が飛び出し、さらには自らを助けるタイムリーヒットで4点を打線が援護。15勝目を挙げた。この試合、8イニングスを投げた大谷選手は、規定投球回数まで残り1イニングと迫った。 打者としての大谷選手は、初回、2塁打で出塁したトラウト選手を2塁に置き、センター前タイムリーを放ち2点目を演出。連続試合安打を自己最長の14に伸ばした。7回の第4打席でもショートへ内野安打を打ち、今季40度目のマルチ安打を記録した。 試合は4ー1でエンゼルスが勝ち、この3連戦を3連勝で締め括った。 (MLB No.111 KAISPO No.1,251)
Today’s topics are about the condition of rich teams and poor teams in MLB and where Shohei Ohtani would go. Slide 1; This graph shows the total payroll of each team and the results of the first half of this season. Do you know the top three richest teams? They are the Los Angeles Dodgers, New York Mets, and of course New York Yankees. These teams stand at the tops in their divisions. The amount of payroll and ranking are mostly in correlation. However, in this situation, the Red Sox and Angels are bad deals this season so far. On the other hand, the Twins, Brewers, Mariners, Rays, and Guardians are reasonable so far. It is very interesting. Slide 2; Next, let’s talk about Shohei Ohtani. Many fans are concerned about the two-way player. This graph shows changes in his annual salary. It is a value based on the two-way player. He started his big-league career for the minimum annual salary for his American dream. He is now under a two-year contract with the Angels. His salary in the next year might be determined by salary Arbitration if no agreement is reached between Shohei and the Angels. He will be a free agent in the 2023 offseason. Ohtani might be the highest-paid player in MLB or MLB history. Slide 3; Many fans and media are paying attention to his destination. Some American media have estimated his value. So, teams who want Shohei will need a huge amount of money. His destination depends on the strategy of the Angels. They have two options about Ohtani. Option 1 is to have a long-term contract with Shohei. 10) But, they need a big money. Certain media says it could be more than $300 million for 5 years. About option 2, the Angels can have a three-time chance to trade him to get some hopeful players before becoming a free agent. In this case, which team would acquire the two-way star? The Dodgers, Mets, Yankees, or other teams? I have my opinion about this question. But, well, my presentation will end here. (MLB No.80 KAISPO No.1194) |
AuthorHidefumi Kai Archives
April 2023
CategoriesAll 2 Way 2-Way 2013 WBC 2023 WBC Arizona Diamondbacks Atlanta Braves Australia Baltimore Orioles Benezuela Boston Red Sox Canada Catcher Chicago Cubs Chicago White Sox Cleveland Guardians Colombia Colorado Rockies Cuba Czech Detroit Tigers Dominican Republic Great Britain Hitter Houston Astros Israel Italy Japan Kansas City Royals Korea Los Angeles Angels Mexico Miami Marlins Milestone Milwaukee Brewers Minnesota Twins Minor Leaguer MLB History Netherlands New York Mets New York Yankees Nicaragua NPB Oakland Athletics Panama Philadelphia Phillies Pitcher Pittsburg Pirates Prospect Puerto Rico San Diego Padres San Francisco Giants Seattle Mariners Shohei Ohtani St.Louis Cardinals St.Rouis Cardinals Taiwan Tampa Bay Rays Texas Rangers Toronto Blue Jays USA Venezuela ポストシーズン |